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Hub helps you share property-level information with residents using the power of geospatial data

What is the Hub?

Hub is a portal for finding council information tailored to where you live. It allows residents to get answers quickly with a bookmarkable link direct to real-time information from your Local Authority geospatial database.

Property Information

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Focus on common answers

  • See your next bin collection
  • View nearby planning applications
  • Find your polling station
  • Check local flood alerts
  • View your Energy Performance Certificate

Discover Maps

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Explore official maps shared by your Local Authority

  • Planning limitations in your area
  • Which trees have Preservation Orders
  • Where your local footpaths are and much more

Download Open Data

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Get access to the digital data you need

  • Download maps in common formats
  • Analyse the data as you choose
  • Share your findings to help improve your community

How does it help?

Hub helps your residents self-serve with accurate property-level information. This puts your data to work, improving customer experience and reducing costly interactions.

Easy Setup

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Fully-hosted system with no administration, no coding and no downtime for upgrades.

We help you connect your geospatial data.


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Hub regularly upgrades to include even channels of data, but there’s no pressure to deploy them immediately.

Simply switch off the channels you aren’t ready to use.

Accessible & Responsive

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Hub uses the latest GOV.UK design principles making it accessibility compliant and mobile friendly.

One less thing to worry about.

Consistent Branding

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Hub adopts your website branding, colour-scheme and even domain, so residents have a seamless transition between your website and Hub.


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Once everything is set up, Hub takes care of itself by taking automated updates from key datasets.

Residents always get the latest information, and it isn’t a burden on council staff time.

Technical Specification

Hub is a cloud-based portal realising the power of geospatial data. It's fully maintained and scalable making it fast, reliable and future-proofed for the long-term.

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The onboarding process for Hub is simple:

  1. Order through Digital Marketplace (G-Cloud) or direct from our websites.
  2. We create your Hub account with a style emulating your existing council website.
  3. Just add data. We provide a cloud-hosted database to store your geospatial data.
  4. We establish your Hub API using your data, and it's ready to go!

Performance & Security

  • Greater than 99.9% uptime SLA
  • Compatible with all modern web browsers
  • Responsive design (mobile, tablet, desktop)
  • SSL encryption
  • DNS mangement for subdomain creation
  • Secure cloud servers
  • No downtime during maintenance


Utilising UPRN. Unique Property Reference Numbers (UPRNs) are the glue we use to bring all your geospatial data together, so residents get pin-point accuracy.

Hub API.  The behind-the-scenes Hub API is the brain behind Hub. Once configured by our team, it’s there to handle everything for you.

GIS ArchitectureWhilst Hub has been built to integrate seamlessly with XMAP, our Cloud GIS system, it can be used with any data source, so it can be used no matter your GIS setup. 


  • Remote Teams and Email support
  • Knowledge Base
  • GIS data support available


See Hub in action with one of the customer sites below:


Use the postcode "GU19 5AB"


We'd love to help you get started with Hub. Get in touch using the form below:

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